Mistery fabric to Twisted Trousers


One day I came home from work and found a pile of fabric on my doorsteps.  I suspect it’s from one of my very good neighbors (Lena?) but I always forget to ask, anyway thank you from the bottom of my heart!  It definitely made my day – I mean come on what sewing nerd doesn’t like the sight of a big pile of fabric!  Whoop Whoop!!

I knew right away that some of it would become a new pair of Twisted Trousers for Viktor.

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My Nina

Alright, since it’s almost summer I guess it’s fitting that I share my new wool coat with faux fur collar.  On a side note, first day of summer is actually a national holiday in Iceland and was on April 21.  So at least it would be fitting if I was planning on spending my summer in Iceland because you never no what kind of weather you’ll be getting and need to be prepared for it all.  But I’m not, so maybe we could all just pretend that I am extremely great at planning ahead and that I now have a new coat all ready for fall!  But my friends and family know that’s just one big lie.  So I guess my reason is that I have had this wool fabric for some time now and then the Nina Coat pattern from Shwin Designs came along and I saw a match and wanted to give it try.


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My lovely Amelia Bomber Jacket

Yeah you read the title correct – I made myself a bomber jacket!!

At the risk of sounding like a broken record here it goes:  I was lucky enough to test Wardrobe by me latest pattern, the Amelia Bomber Jacket.

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A Diana with a flare

I have been working on some items lately that are a bit more challenging than what I’m used too.  Which is a good thing but I needed a nice simple project to balance things out to make sure I didn’t loose my sewing mojo and Christina from Wardrobe by me came to my rescue and released a flared skirt add on for the Diana Wrap Dress.


Continue reading “A Diana with a flare”