My little lady in her London Dress

Anita has declared that she needs new summer dresses and she has grown so much this winter that I totally agree with her.  She has also been going through my fabric stash and claiming what she wants, which is pretty much everything that has flowers on it or a hint of pink or purple.  So I better get this party started!

Like that’s not enough she also wants a long dress.  I’ve been on the fence about that cause I’m not a huge fan of maxi dresses on little girls.  Then Shwin Designs launched the London Dress so I thought one maxi length dress wouldn’t hurt.


… and she is VERY HAPPY! Continue reading “My little lady in her London Dress”

My cool dude in his new Semper Sweater

This is one of my projects I absolutely LOVE!

It’s just a sweater you might say,  but let me tell you it’s so much more than just a sweater.  It is the Semper Sweater from Sofilantjes!

IMG_3664 (1)

Continue reading “My cool dude in his new Semper Sweater”

Get your groove on!

For the most part Anita only wants to wear dresses.  Since you usually find her climbing trees or jumping around somewhere, not in an elegant princess style but more like 10 elephants have invaded your house kind off style, knit dresses are to be preferred.  So as soon as the Groove Dress from Madeit Patterns came out I snatched it up!


Continue reading “Get your groove on!”